Driven by curiosity about people, movement, relationships, and radical ideas



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Power Flow

Class Description

Power Flow is a class that incorporates anatomical awareness, movement efficiency, and mindfulness. Moving through postures not unlike a traditional Vinyasa style class, we will focus on building strength through core, upper, and lower body work, all while finding a gentle flow. Mindfulness practices are incorporated at the beginning and end of each session. 

All are welcome.

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CYT -200

Caitlyn (CYT-200) is a professional dance artist and somatics practitioner. Caitlyn was a yogi long before pursing certification through the Driftwood/In Bloom Yoga Teacher Training, but it wasn’t until she found herself back to her roots in 2017 that she had the time and space to finally nurture her practice further and dive deeper. She wears several hats off the yoga mat: performer, educator, choreographer, funky sock collector, French language nerd, movie buff, and coffee enthusiast, borderline coffee snob. She is happy to be able to add “yoga teacher” to this long list! Her classes are deeply influenced by her years of dance training, emphasizing anatomical awareness, somatic approaches, movement efficiency, and mindfulness.

Photos: Lauren Stevens